
Average score 208 Reviews
HUANG ERIC (ERIC) noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Let me tell you, the fried rice in this restaurant is top-notch delicious even in China. Plus delicious restaurants in China (Original) 告訴各位,這家店的炒飯即便在中國都是頂級的好吃 Plus savoureux que de nombreux restaurants en Chine

5 months ago
Eléanore Lauga noted on Google

5 months ago
Valérie Moysan noted on Google

(Translated by Google) A real treat. Choice, authentic cuisine for a lovely culinary journey! Everything was really delicious! We'll come back! (Original) Un vrai régal. Du choix, une cuisine authentique pour un joli voyage culinaire ! Tout était vraiment délicieux ! On reviendra !

5 months ago
Y. YIN noted on Google

(Translated by Google) I had never noticed that a Shanghai restaurant had opened so close to me before. The food tastes like home cooking, and the owner seems to be very proud of his own cuisine. The shepherd's purse wontons are very authentic, and the ingredients in the wonton soup are unambiguous at all: egg skin, seaweed and shrimp skin are all there; the fermented fermented pork is a must-have, I will try the smoked fish next time; the shredded wild rice chicken is very tender and fresh, but not oily. A bit much; the flavor of the louver buns in the fried tofu louver bun noodle soup is particularly authentic, and the texture and umami of the meat filling are close to the taste of a time-honored restaurant in Shanghai. It would be better if the boss made it in double batches, because it is right The fried tofu is really tasteless; the dim sum that I don’t recommend is the fried tofu, which is tough and doughy, like fried dumplings. It has nothing to do with the Shanghai fried tofu, but it’s better than nothing. The environment is clean, but the taste in music is confusing. The overall experience is still very good, and there may not be another Shanghai hotel in Paris that is opened by Shanghainese. It can satisfy your appetite at any time. (Original) 之前都没有留意到这么近的地方开了一家上海餐馆。 菜是家常味道,老板似乎也对自家的料理很自豪的样子。荠菜馄饨很正宗,而且馄饨汤里的配料一点不含糊: 蛋皮紫菜和虾皮都有了;乳腐肉可以说是一绝,下次要尝尝熏鱼;茭白鸡丝很嫩很鲜,不过油有点多;油豆腐百叶包线粉汤里的百叶包的味道特别正宗,肉馅的口感和鲜味接近上海某家老字号的味道了,如果老板家做的是双档就更好了,因为对油豆腐实在无感; 点心里面不太推荐的是生煎,死面皮,像是用小笼包煎的,和上海生煎没有什么关系,但是聊胜于无吧。 环境很干净,但是音乐的品味很让人迷惑。 总体体验还是很好的,而且巴黎可能真的找不到第二家上海人开的上海饭店了,可以随时解决口腹的nostalgie。

5 months ago
Anne Roman Clément noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Good food, very warm welcome and fast service. Good advice. Good value for money. (Original) Bonne cuisine, très bon accueil et service rapide. De bons conseils. Bon rapport qualité prix.

6 months ago
Яна Костюк noted on Google

6 months ago
Martina Lejtreger noted on Google

6 months ago
koh soonbo noted on Google

(Translated by Google) I wanted to eat Chinese food so I went to this place near my hotel. Everything is really delicious! There is also a wide variety of alcohol, from Asahi beer to wine to whiskey. We also have Japanese-style fried dumplings and fried shrimp, which are delicious! Sweet and sour pork contains pineapple, which is rare in Japan these days, and it's delicious. Fried rice, fried noodles, etc. are all healthy and don't have a lot of oil. I ordered a lot, but it was so delicious that I ate it all. (Original) 中華が食べたくなりホテル近くのこちらに入りました。全て本当に美味しい! アルコールもアサヒビールからワインからウイスキーなど種類も豊富。日本式の焼餃子、エビフライもあり、これが美味しい! 酢豚は日本では最近ないパイナップルが入っていて美味しいです。 チャーハン、焼きそばなども全て油が多くなくヘルシーです。たくさん注文しましたが美味しすぎて完食しました。

7 months ago
Alicia Baure noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Very pleasant atmosphere (Original) Ambiance très agréable

7 months ago
S. WU noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Recommend Shanghai cuisine! The shredded wild rice chicken is so delicious that one person can finish a plate of it and it will leave you feeling so sweet. The xiaolongbao and lion head are very authentic, and the service is great. I will go there next time! (Original) 推荐上海菜!茭白鸡丝太好吃了,一个人吃完一盘,甜口落胃。小笼包和狮子头很正宗,服务很棒,下次还会去!

7 months ago

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